
Who We Are

SOLA was established in 2019 and the company works In the eld of contracting and lectromechanical supplies. The company has high expertise lies in its team of engineers with scientic and practical experience and the company has received several projects that have been implemented according to the highest standards of the highest quality and competitive prices that suit customers and the company has the full ability to implement all customer requests to meet their needs and requirements and obtain their fullsatisfaction

SOLA Company provides a wide range of solutions compatible with project requests until the project is completed.

Business Year
Satisfied Clients
Successful Cases

SOLA Company carries out fruitful cooperation with partners in the lelds of electromechanical and always pledgescommitment and credibility in its dealings with partners and providing the most appropriate solutions to customers, which provides them with the most appropriate solutions and the best prices.

Mission & Vision

A Word from the CEO

l am proud to be the CEO of SOLA, a company that is dedicated to electro mechanics company. We have a long history of success, and I am excited to see what we can achieve in the years to come. I am grateful to our employees, clients, and other stakeholders for their support. We could not have achieved our success without you. lam committed to leading SOLA to even greater heights. I believe that we have the potential to make a real difference in the world, and I am excited to see what we can accomplish together. Thank you for your continued support.